Pagan Circle Events

Merry meet, everyone, and hang on to your hats, witches!  On Saturday, October 29th we’ll be celebrating our Samhain Sabbat, better known to the muggles as Halloween.  This is set to be a great time for everyone as we honor the dead when the veil between our two worlds is thinnest.  We’ll start by having our potluck dinner @ 5 pm. Bring a small halloween-themed dish to share, and take part in the fellowship and kinship we all feel at this special time of year.  After dinner we’ll get together to make Witches’ Flying Ointment as we prepare for our Samhain rite.  No worries, we will NOT use the belladonna that was used by our Pagan ancestors!  (We don’t want to fly that high!)  We’ll start with natural beeswax and go from there.  Bring a small container to take some home with you.  As we mix our ingredients, we’ll discuss the ancient Pagan origins of Samhain.

At 7 pm we’ll gather around the fire for our Samhain Circle. Our theme this year is Honoring Our Ancestors. Bring drums and bells to raise energy as we welcome the spirits of those who have crossed over. And to go along with this theme, we are going to set up an Ancestor Altar that will be accessible to all, the entire evening. We invite everyone to bring a small photograph or memento of a loved one who has passed on to place on this altar. There will be candles and incense available for you to use.

And please remember, all our UUFM Pagan Circles are family-friendly. There will be crafts or activities for children to do @ every event. And ritual garb is always welcome, but never required. Come dressed comfortably for the weather, because we will gather outdoors anytime the weather permits.  See you there!

Love and Blessings,


Learn more from Deirdre at

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