Fall/Winter 2015-16

As autumn ends our UU children have been reflecting on discussions about our Jewish and Christian heritage in their classes. Winter brings a short break from regular classes as we celebrate the holidays.

7th-10th grade class  – Students are enjoying the Neighboring Faiths curriculum. Field trips have included First Congregational Church, Manhattan Mennonite Church, Manhattan Jewish Congregation, St. Isidore’s, and St. Thomas More Catholic Church.

3rd-6th grade class – Students have been discussing Bible stories and relating them to Unitarian Universalism. “Question Time” is also a favorite part of class and the questions are always far ranging!

K-2nd grade class – Students have done lots of hands on exploration of Bible stories with art, play acting, and more.

Pre-K class – Pre-K kids have been familiarizing themselves with our own sacred place, the fellowship, and learning about our special UU symbols, especially the flaming chalice.

Nursery – We welcomed a new nursery attendant this fall. Megan is an education major at K-State and especially loves reading to our toddlers and infants.

(Read about all the adventures on the RE blog.)

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