When to Call the Minister

“When To Call The Minister” is a piece that has circulated among UU’s — and before that Universalists — since 1957.  Originally written by Universalist minister Peter Lee Scott for the Elm City Universalist Church in New Haven, CT, people have copied and recopied it. Because it has value. Today, we might change it to when to email or Facebook or text me, but many of the concerns remain the same. Ministers serve congregations for a reason, and here are some of the reasons you might want to call the minister (that I stole totally from Peter Scott’s original):

When you haven’t met me yet, but would like to.
When you have problems to discuss—about anything.
When a sympathetic ear might help.
When you’re going in the hospital or know someone else who is.
When someone close to you dies or is critically ill.
When you’re planning to be married, or might need to be.
When you return from vacation.
When your daughter graduates from college.
When you have a child to be dedicated.
When you’re pregnant but wish you weren’t.
When you’ve been arrested, or ought to be.
When you want to learn more about Unitarian Universalism.
When you’re scared.
When you’d like to make a bequest to the church.
When your son gets a big promotion.
When you’re considering joining the congregation.
When you’d like to show us what a good cook you are!
When a friend of your wants to know more about our faith.
When you have suggestions about the programs for the church.
When you have suggestions for a sermon or about the worship services.
When you’d like to help with committee work or congregational activities.
When you want to discuss community issues or would like my involvement.
When you’re mad at me.
When you’d like to talk religion with me.

Give me a call… or text or Facebook message… or drop by one of my Radina’s hours, or even at the office on Tuesday or Thursday afternoon. I look forward to visiting with you.

In faith and freedom,


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