3 May 2020
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

There will be NO in-person attendance at Sunday services.   Watch for announcements as circumstances change.  You can participate in services virtually at https://uuma.zoom.us/j/9797400824?pwd=WjNTUldoci9VWjNtMFNsNjBsMlZTZz09.  Meeting ID: 979 740 0824. The service begins at 10:30 am, on Sunday mornings.  Find helpful information and links at https://uufm.net/zoom/.

Rev Jonalu Johnstone reflects, “There are a few monumental experiences of our lives where we think, “Nothing will ever be the same again.”  Some of them are personal–a wedding day, graduation, or the death of a parent.  Others are cultural–an assassination, a war, a pandemic.  We’re living through a time when we think, “Nothing will ever be the same again.”  What will it be, though?  Let’s awaken our imaginations to a brand new world.”  Our convener is Susan Adamchak at sadamchak@kansas.net.

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