30 Oct 2021
12:00 PM - 8:00 PM
UUFM - Alsop room/fire circle

Firefly Pagan Circle — An Open Circle for community, spirituality, and magic/religious practices.  All walks of life are welcome.  We will be learning and growing together as we discover new paths!  On Saturday, October 30, following a long break to accommodate COVID precautions, UUFM and the Firefly Pagan Circle renew our happy association.  The Circle will meet at the Fellowship building from 12 noon to 8 pm, and invites all interested Fellowship friends to join them from noon to 2:30 pm for a dumb supper (ancestral ritual; this will be a potluck meal).  From 2:30 to 4 pm, there will be set up for the party that evening, and from 4 to 7 pm, there will be a masquerade/costume party, followed by clean up from 7 to 8 pm.  Learn more from Mandy Ryan at miriamele41@gmail.com.