Category: highlights-ministerial

Let’s try an experiment.

Let’s try an experiment. Make a list of what brings you joy/ fun. Without too much thinking jot down what opens you to joy and leads to fun. 1) The birds at the feeder, morning, noon and dusk. 2) Chuck whistling. 3) Poppy running full … read more.

Mrs. Berry

When I was 3 we moved from Lindsborg, Kansas, to the NW edge of Chicago. Working farms were within a mile of our house. Mrs. Berry lived across the dirt road and lived on what remained of her small farm. She had chickens, ducks and … read more.

Deepening Your Understanding of UUism

Reverend Michael Nelson leads Deepening Your Understanding of Unitarian Universalism, a class in three sessions, following Sunday services in February.  We begin on Sunday, February 10, at 12:15 pm, and continue on Sunday, February 17, and February 24.  While the focus is on the questions … read more.


Cut loose, without devotion, a man becomes a comic.
His antics are passed

around the family table and mimicked so well, years
later the family still laughs.

Without devotion, any life becomes a stranger’s story …

Marie Howe, in her poem … read more.


Grateful for the pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to deepen our understanding and our vision. This sentence found at the beginning of our hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition begins the last paragraph of the covenant Unitarian Universalists agree to promote. … read more.


Vacation and study leave give me the freedom to hurry less. I can read a book of poetry a couple of times, allowing the rhythm of the words to fully enter so that the images and their meaning have stunning power. “The Kingdom of … read more.


Unitarian, John Adams, the second president of the United States, labored for religious liberty until his death at ninety. His home state of Massachusetts prohibited Jews or Catholics from running for elective office until 1833. Religious bigotry and ignorance dominate the civic … read more.

Interdependent Links

Indra’s web, a symbol from Mahayana Buddhism, pictures the jewel-like connecting points of all that exists. When ever a force of destruction occurs there’s a rip in the fabric of all that is. In every day human relations we know there are moments when we … read more.

Windows of Perception








Clivia seen through old glass changes what I see. It is no longer just the clivia in the entry way, it sings a song that calls me to see it from the outside in. This reminds me of how … read more.