Category: minister-musings

Monthly musings post.


Cut loose, without devotion, a man becomes a comic.
His antics are passed

around the family table and mimicked so well, years
later the family still laughs.

Without devotion, any life becomes a stranger’s story …

Marie Howe, in her poem … read more.


Grateful for the pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to deepen our understanding and our vision. This sentence found at the beginning of our hymnal, Singing the Living Tradition begins the last paragraph of the covenant Unitarian Universalists agree to promote. … read more.


Vacation and study leave give me the freedom to hurry less. I can read a book of poetry a couple of times, allowing the rhythm of the words to fully enter so that the images and their meaning have stunning power. “The Kingdom of … read more.


Unitarian, John Adams, the second president of the United States, labored for religious liberty until his death at ninety. His home state of Massachusetts prohibited Jews or Catholics from running for elective office until 1833. Religious bigotry and ignorance dominate the civic … read more.

Windows of Perception








Clivia seen through old glass changes what I see. It is no longer just the clivia in the entry way, it sings a song that calls me to see it from the outside in. This reminds me of how … read more.


“No more critical challenge faces each of us, and all of us together, than how to live together in a world of differences. So much depends on our ability to handle our conflicts peacefully – our happiness at home, our performance at work, the livability … read more.

Things UU Churches Do Right, January 19, 2012

Fellowship members Melissa and David McKee share some thoughts on things that have worked in various UU congregations they have been a part of around the country.   Highlights of their commentary were printed in the February 2012 edition of The UUFM Voice.   Melissa and … read more.

Winter Hens…

The hens, who provide us with gardener’s gold and brown eggs, find this warm weather to their liking. If you feel solemn, a bit darkened by the Holiday flash, take some time to hang out with chickens. They always have something to say. … read more.