Category: Monthly Themes

Previous Service Themes adapted from Soul Matters

The Gift of Pluralism (May 2024)

From our friends at Soul Matters:

“I wonder how the moonflower feels
about its sweet sister, the morning glory.
What it must be to know that world longingly awaits another
while you must seek solace hidden under a night sky.

When the world has told you to hide,
it is only … read more.

The Gift of Heritage (October 2023)

From our friends at Soul Matters:

Some people are your relatives, but others are your ancestors, and you choose the ones you want to have as ancestors. You create yourself out of [their] values.   — Ralph Ellison

Be on the lookout, friends. The ghosts are on their … read more.

The Gift of Welcome (September 2023)

From our friends at Soul Matters:

“It seems to go without saying. To be welcoming, we’ve got to think big.
Notice how often we speak about “widening the circle” and “making more room.” We place a priority on expanding our minds by welcoming new experiences and new … read more.

Thresholds (August 2023)

From September through June, we use Soul Matters themes for our Sunday Services, Religious Education, and Chalice Circles. As we wait for the church year to begin, this August we’ve chosen Thresholds as our transitional theme. Check out this beautiful reading to start us off.

By … read more.