10 Jan 2021
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Rev Jonalu Johnstone reflects, “In the last year, we have found ourselves in unprecedented circumstances, with astoundingly rapid changes to how we operate in the world.  The coronavirus and the political upheaval have led us somewhere we have never been.  The increased reliance on technology for connection, the radical divisions created and reinforced by new forms of media, the economic turmoil suffered in the wake of disease.  The World Economic Forum has suggested that now is a time for a radical economic reset that they call the Great Reset.  Can we reset the expectations we have and imagine a new world?”  Our convener is Sarah Desmet at sarah.e.desmet@gmail.com.

We gather at our usual Sunday morning service URL, https://zoom.us/j/92604313401?pwd=OXlyeW1RQ0I4U1cxQ1FpU0x2TlZqdz09, at 10:30 am.  The meeting ID is 926 0431 3401 and the password is zeandale.