2 May 2021
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Rev Jonalu Johnstone speaks.  Beginnings and endings can feel dramatic–like births and deaths.  However, we live most of our lives in the middle of our story.  Ursula LeGuin taught, “Story is something moving, something happening, something or somebody changing.”  How does our story get shaped in the day-to-day routine, as well as in the highs and lows?  Most of life is not a hero’s journey.  Our convener is Lindsay Smith at lindsaysmith1959@gmail.com.

We’ll gather at our usual Sunday morning service URL, https://zoom.us/j/92604313401?pwd=OXlyeW1RQ0I4U1cxQ1FpU0x2TlZqdz09, at 10:30 am.  The meeting ID is 926 0431 3401 and the password is zeandale.