Report from the Board – 22 July 2021

Dear UU Friends,

We have tearfully and joyfully bid Jonalu goodbye and here we are, on our own again, at least temporarily.  I will be communicating with you all regularly in the monthly newsletter, and via emails when there is a need.  I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns that you have about the day-to-day business of the Fellowship at or 785 304-0086.

Building Re-opening Policy:  Due to the much-welcomed input from our membership, the Board has altered its original decision on re-opening policy.  Until further notice, masks will be required to be worn by all persons over the age of 4 when attending events at the Fellowship building sponsored by UUFM.  Persons or organizations renting or using the Fellowship building will decide whether mask-wearing is required at their events.  All other building usage/rental policies will be as they were pre-COVID.

Leadership:   Sue and Sandy continue to do what they do.  Thank you, ladies! 

Lindsay Smith is our Building Person.  Direct any questions or concerns about the building to him at

Mark Mayfield is our Grounds Person.  You can contact him at   Sylvia Beeman and helpers continue to work on our landscaping.  They welcome any and all help.  Contact Sylvia at

Kathy Swenson ( and Deirdre Greeley ( are chairing the Social Action Team.  If you have ideas about things we need to be involved in or want to join in, please contact one of them.  The Racial Justice Team is lacking a chair, but I believe we will continue to meet.  Starting in September, we will meet on every first Sunday at 4 pm. 

The Finance Committee is in need of a Chair (and more members would be welcomed).  Financial decisions need to be made and planning for the budget and the pledge drive will be upon us before we know it.  If you have interest or skills in finance, please let me know.

Kathleen Oldfather ( is the leader of the Care Team.  She can help you when an important life event happens:  a birth, illness, death in the family.  The Care Team can organize a “meal train” when meals would be appreciated, help with a memorial service, do hospital/care home visits, and contact our stand-in minister as needed.

Ministerial Search:  We have had a couple of nibbles on our ministerial search line but candidates have found other opportunities that have better fit their needs.  There has been some discussion about changing the position we are filling from  3/4-time to full time.  The Board believes that this is an option but we will need the approval of the congregation to increase the budget to cover the increase in salary.  We will be bringing this before you in due time.

UUA General Assembly:  Jonalu, Sandy Nelson, Rob Morrison and I were your delegates to General Assembly this year.  The business of the greater church was conducted including electing new Trustees.  The UUA is also conducting an assessment of Article II of the UUA Bylaws which contains our Principles and Sources, the bedrock of our denomination.  They welcome the input of individual members and congregations.  More information on the Article II Study Commission can be found at

Don’t forget to let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Best,      Judy Nickelson, UUFM Board Chair

PS:  Look for our advertisement in the new UFM catalog coming out in September!

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