Dec 18: Christmas

Merry Christmas to all! Today all of the classrooms learned about and celebrated Christmas by reading stories, doing activities, and eating treats. We even had the pleasure of having some of our room grandparents join us!

In the 3rd-6th grade classroom, the kids enjoyed treats from their room grandparents, the Bascoms and Cattells. Then Barbara told the kids about an experience she had teaching the story of Jesus’ birth in San Antonio. After Barbara’s story, Larry shared three versions of Jesus’ birth story and related Christmas carols. Then the kids discussed the differences. The lesson ended with their all-time favorite activity: the human knot!!

In the K-2nd grade classroom, Harriette Janke brought the kids adorable treats – little chocolate mice made from cherries and Hershey kisses. Then they read a story about Jesus’ birth and discussed nativity scenes. Molly explained that one community was upset by a nativity scene in a public space and put up a picture of a spaghetti monster in protest. So, the kids got to choose to decorate a nativity scene or a spaghetti monster – most chose the spaghetti monster! The lesson ended with the kids getting to create beautiful ornaments to adorn their trees or rooms.

In the pre-K room, the preschoolers read a story about Jesus’ birth and the shepherds who came to watch over him. Then they created Christmas tree ornaments that count down until Christmas. It’s getting close to Santa’s visit!

In the nursery, the infants and toddlers read two books about Christmas: one about Santa and another about Curious George getting stuck in a Christmas tree! Then they played games and listened to music.

If you would like to extend these lessons at home, here are some ideas: discuss the story of Jesus’ birth with your children. What resonates about that story with you? Decorate your tree or front door. Read stories about Santa. Make gifts for each other. 🙂

Happy holidays everyone!