5 Nov 2017
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Enough Really Is Enough:  Appreciating the Abundance  We Have

“One who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.” — attributed to Lao Tzu

Reverend Jonalu Johnstone speaks. “Enough” is a tough topic in our society where want and waste live side by side. With the abundance of technology overwhelming us, with too many choices about stuff, how do we find real abundance–the abundance of meaning, the abundance of satisfaction, the abundance of love? How do we come to learn that we, ourselves, are enough, despite the cultural messages we may receive to the contrary?  Convener is Diane Barker at dogsbodyd@yahoo.com.

Following the November 5 service, members and friends are encouraged to join in a GROUP DISCUSSION exploring the evolution of our Developmental Ministry.  Learn more on pages 5 and 7 of the November newsletter.

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