Category: RE Blog

Blog for the Religious Education Program.

Tour of Saint Louis

Last Sunday Nick and Molly took everyone on a tour of Saint Louis. They talked about the importance of Saint Louis in river trade and the Gateway Arch and what it symbolizes. Then they talked about the Saint Louis City Museum (a must see for … read more.

Tour of Maps

On Sunday, Susan Adamchak took us on a tour of maps. LOTS of maps. She read a wonderful book called “My Map Book” by Sara Fanelli.

It had maps of the child’s bedroom, daily activities, family, and even the food in the child’s stomach! … read more.

Tour of New York

New York, New York! A city so nice they named it twice.

Lily Colburn took us on a tour of New York – mostly New York City, but up state as well. We played New York Bingo (idea courtesy of Ken Embers) and took a … read more.

Tour of Washington DC

On Sunday we enjoyed talking about Washington D.C. and the Declaration of Independence. Then we tried our hand at writing with a quill and learned that it was not that easy. And then it was on to fireworks. After lessons about striking matches and … read more.

Tour of Pillsbury Crossing

Many thanks to Larry Weaver and Dan Swenson for funding and hosting our annual canoe trip to Pillsbury Crossing. Many adults and children had a glorious time!

We also had a great Family Fun Campout at the Fellowship the night before. What a fantastic weekend!
Click on … read more.

Tour of the International Space Station

Many thanks to Mark Clarke for taking us on a tour of the International Space Station. We learned about being an astronaut. We were weightless for a microsecond as we all jumped into the air! We also made “rockets” that were propelled with our own … read more.

Tour of Disc Golf

Many thanks to Billy Mitchel for taking us on a tour of disc golf. We had a grand time!

First, he led the group in warm up activities and gave instruction for gripping, throwing, and course safety. Then we headed outside to try out our … read more.


May 12-13 UUFM welcomed many teens from across Kansas for the Spring UU Youth Cluster. After 22 hours of togetherness everyone still looks energetic!


 And on Sunday we dedicated some of our youngest members.



We hid puzzle pieces inside the eggs. Looks like there are a few more eggs to find!

Lots of smiling faces in RE on Easter Sunday.