Get right down in to it…










A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.

                                                                                                                                                                       -Saul Bellow


Blessed are those

who break off from separateness


 theirs is wild


             -Jean Valentine

This morning’s contemplation brings these lines forward. Always the question posing: “How do you see humanity with clarity without becoming a cynic?” Seeing clearly often requires detachment. I need to be mindful of the need to re-attach. In high school I recall a saying that still provides guidance 40 years later. “The cynic knows the worth of everything, but the value of nothing.”

So again, I am asked to be responsible for what I value. The crows make a racket in the upper meadow where a half moon stone fence once held an orchard. A spring starts at its edge. This is not far, as the crow flies, from the big blue heron’s rookery. Keeping my senses open helps me to be the wild beauty of this place, in this time… Isn’t separateness an illusion when you get right down in to it?

Break off from separateness…take a seat…


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