Greek mythology

Sunday (July 1) the RE group learned about the Greek pantheon. Kids took turns being different deities and thinking about what kind of person might pray to them and what kind of offering they might make in exchange for help. The kids made some really thoughtful comments! Molly told the story of Perseus and Medusa. We talked about the word Olympus and how it tied to the gods and now the sporting event. We looked at some pictures of the ceremony of lighting the Olympic torch and talked about why when we are all playing games together it might make us feel good about the world. Sandy had three awesome crafts prepared – making Medusa wigs, olive leaf wreaths/crowns and Olympic torches. Lots of fun and lots of great team work.


We were also thrilled to see Larry. We whipped out a pre-service list of “The 12 Labors of Larry” since we didn’t expect him to come back to the classroom – but come back he did. That’s dedication!

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