Rules: make them, change them, use them…

Last weekend was great!

We started with loads of fun at the Chili Fiesta on Saturday night.  After tasting our favorite chili and eating with friends and family, the children got to enjoy a good old fashioned cake walk – with a few twists!  There were cupcakes! We got to eat our spoils on the spot! And… not just one person got to win. Sometimes two or three people won at the same time!

After the cake walk everyone got to try their hand at the “punch box”.  Here’s Ronan finding a hidden surprise.


Sunday classes continued exploration of principle 5 (All people have a say – or – the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process)

The 6-8 class  had some spirited debates last Sunday! We had two sides argue two very divisive topics:

1. Was Jack (from Jack and the Beanstalk) a thief? 
2. Should the UUFM have snacks at coffee time on Sundays?
Oh it was glorious! Arguments were drafted point by point, logic applied, and emotions tugged. Molly admits she was not an impartial judge but rather agreeing with each side as it argued and egging things on. When given the latitude to make up laws suddenly Jack started his crime spree when dealing with an unlicensed street vendor and disobeying his mother! Tons of fun. Our focus was on the concept of debate as an exercise.

Next week we’ll discuss how to approach expressing your values (and how looking at both sides can help you do that effectively).
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The 3-5 grade students discussed rules and some possible results of interfering with rules. Among other things, the conversation included war, the draft, and different ways to influence both.  Ask the students about what they learned.

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In the K-2 class the students continued to play games. They even invented their own.  Creating your own game means creating your own rules so there was a lot of discussion about whether to have rules or not and the results of changing the rules midstream.  

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Pre-K students focused their attention on love.  Young children need and deserve frequent reminders that they are lovable and loved, and that their love brings joy to others.  Lots of Valentines were created and gifted to friends, family, and well… anyone who happened by.  These kids are brimming with love for others.

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The Nursery  kids enjoyed a book on colors as well as “The Big Orange Splot” then some of that big orange splot landed in the nursery!  Christy put up some wonderful, colorful graphics. The room is now full of animals and color.  Stop in and check out the very welcoming decor. (Thanks Christy!)

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