Working for a peaceful world

Sunday’s RE classes explored the sixth principle – Work for a peaceful world (The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all).  Catch up on all the RE happenings on the RE blog at

The 6-8 grade class discussed a definition of peace – is it a thing by itself or just an “absence of conflict”?  The class enjoyed a video on the life of John Lewis – a 1961 Freedom Rider and current Georgia congressman – who recently received an apology from the Montgomery, Alabama police chief for not protecting them.  (See an NBC News item about the story here: apology)

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The 3-5 grade students  talked about stuff that is good in their lives. A common theme was “familiar stuff”. For example, school work that one knows how to do is fine, but new material is unfamiliar and not-so-good. One of the things that is good in Larry’s life is singing, so first they sang “Old Macdonald” (familiar), and then Larry taught them “Roll On, Columbia” (unfamiliar, not-so-good) … until they learned it. Then it was fine. Lesson: sometimes it’s good to go ahead and learn new stuff. Make a new friend. Try a new activity.

It was extra exciting to learn that Helen’s great-grandfather worked on the Grand Coulee dam! The whole class enjoyed acting out the song.

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The K-2 class talked about what peace means and what places we can experience peace ( like church, home, our minds, or our world).

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The Pre-K  class talked about how they could create a peaceful, loving world for animals.  They sang songs, told stories, and made pictures.

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The Nursery  toddlers explored their own kind of peace – the noisy, giggly, happy-child kind of peace that melts the hearts of all who listen.

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