Islamic Center Field Trip

Members of the Islamic Center hosted a dozen of our RE youth and adults with a short slide show explaining the five pillars of Islam and lots of great other information. Says Molly, “Having the words in writing was really helpful to the kids! They had us all sit on the floor of the prayer room and let us ask any questions. Nick asked about the clocks which indicated the five times each day they should pray. Lea asked about the books and was told they were all versions of the Quran. We toured the facility and then got treats and gifts. Coffee for the grown ups and candy for the kids. Incredibly welcoming and wonderfully educational.”

Many thanks to Marisa for arranging the trip; Scott, Molly, and Aimee for shuttling our youth; and the folks at the Islamic Center for hosting and ensuring everyone was welcome.

UUFM youth and adults are hosted by the Islamic Center.


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