UU Travelers… to Hawaii!

Sunday was such an exciting start to our summer UU World Traveler program!

Larry led us on an exploration of Hawaii. Children fashioned the Pacific Ocean from cardboard and paint. Volcanoes were constructed from salt dough, live volcanoes erupted, and as tectonic plates shifted the dead volcanoes were converted to living islands with the help of green paint. Then the lands were populated with help from catamarans made from Popsicle sticks, corks, and glue. The lesson ended with some delicious fresh pineapple and bananas. What a day!


The Pacific Ocean
The Pacific Ocean

Creating volcanoes
Islands are formed.
Islands are formed.


Shifting plates
Shifting plates create more volcanoes.

Fertile soil
Fertile soil is formed.

Boats bring people.
Our volcano erupts!


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