I am pleased to announce that the Reverend Jonalu Johnstone has accepted our position for Developmental Minister. Rev Johnstone was matched through the Developmental Ministry program through the UUA. Our search committee, headed by Katie Kingery-Page, interviewed Johnstone May 7th. The committee unanimously recommended Rev Johnstone to the Board on May 12th. The Board accepted their recommendation and voted to extend Rev. Johnstone the position. She accepted and off we go!
I am excited as I believe all the goals put forth for Developmental Ministry will be achieved under Rev Johnstone’s guidance. She is committed to Social Justice and spreading the word of UU in our community and the larger community. She is experienced in growth of congregations as both a minister and a growth consultant. But what excites me even more is that she is someone looking to find a home and excited about the opportunity here in Manhattan, KS. I am looking forward to seeing where we can go under her guidance. She will start August 14th.
Please do all you can to welcome her, accept her and help her succeed at UUFM. Please feel free to talk with me, any member of the Board or the Search Committee with your questions.
UUFM Board members involved in process: Kathleen Tanona as Chair, Katie Kingery-Page as Chair-Elect, Tom Phillips as Past Chair, Betty Banner as Secretary, Mark Clarke as Member at Large, and Jane Pelletier as Member at Large
Search Committee: Katie Kingery-Page, Chair, Shirley Hobrock, Marisa Larson, Jessica Sievers, and Scott Tanona
In Faith,
Kathleen Tanona