Summer 2016

Summer is here and we’re shifting gears.
All students meet together throughout the summer months. This gives our older students an opportunity to mentor the younger students and the younger kids love being around the older students – win, win!  We continue to staff the nursery and there may be a time or two where the older kids are peeled away from the larger group for a special project.

Summer schedule:
June 5: Tour of Bug Hotels (Sylvia Beeman)
June 12: Tour of all things bouncy (Sandy Nelson)
June 19: Tour of more insects in the world (Tom Phillips)
June 26: Tour of Iceland (Mark Clarke)

July 3: Tour of Japan (Sabrina Bowker)
July 10: Tour of Water at Pillsbury Crossing
July 17: Tour of Games and Puzzles (Sandy Nelson)
July 24: Tour of Maps (Eli Martinson)
July 31: Tour of Ancient Rome/Toga Party! (Brice Hobrock)

August 7: Tour of Italy (Christopher Renner)
August 14: Tour of Finland (Ellen Meyer)
August 21: Tour of Galapagos Islands (Diane Barker)
August 28: Tour of Europe (Elke Lorenz)

September 4: Welcome Home Party
September 11: Annual Musicale

Summer Social Action
Volunteering teaches even toddlers and preschoolers about compassion, empathy, tolerance, gratitude, and community responsibility.  Kids realize that small things they do can make a big difference. So, we have lots of opportunities this summer for helping others.

JUNE: Summerfest volunteers (6th grade and up)  10-12 volunteers needed

JULY: The Second Helping helpers (any age, but under 8 must be accompanied by a parent)  4-8 volunteers

AUGUST: The Second Helping bakers (any age, but under 5 must be accompanied by a parent) 2-6 volunteers per Saturday

Sign up online here: summer social action


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