The school year comes to an end in May and we’ll cap it off with a program on May 21 celebrating the RE program in the adult service.
Also this month we’ll be bidding farewell to our long-time nursery care provider, Megan Reece and K-2 teacher, Katherine Colburn. Megan is graduating from K-State and then she’s off on her own adventures as a newly minted teacher. Katherine begins her student teaching in the fall and then she’s on to her own adventures as well.
And then we’re off to summer and the UU World Travelers program. Once again our RE students travel around the world, learning new skills along the way, without ever leaving Kansas. Every week a new host from the Fellowship takes them on a “tour” of a far-away place, new skill, imaginary or real life destination. Lined up thus far is a morning of Frisbee Golf, an overnight backyard camping trip, canoeing (an annual favorite), and more.
Do you have a passion you’d like to share? There are still a few slots open and we’d love to have you join us for a morning. Do you cook? Have you been on a cruise? Contact Sandy Nelson at for details on the summer program.
We’re hosting an overnight gathering for teens (7th-12th grade) to play games, express ourselves, get-to-know one another, and plan another event for fall! There will be separate break-out sessions for Jr. High and High School aged students. Get more details from Molly or Sandy.
Register for the event online:
Our next Parent Night Out (Kid Night In) gathers on Friday, May 5, from 6:30 to 9:30 pm, at the Fellowship. Parent Night Out is designed for children from 3 to 12 years old who can toilet on their own with minimal assistance. We watch a movie, have some popcorn, and games and art projects are available. Occasionally we go outside and enjoy a campfire. A $5 per child contribution helps us cover expenses. Supper is NOT served at Parent Night Out so please be sure your kids are fed before arriving. This is an RSVP event and space is limited. Please RSVP no later than Thursday, May 4, so that supplies and volunteers can be gathered.