Racial Justice Team
The UUFM Racial Justice Team continues our work to support and promote racial justice in our own community, and in the wider world. We welcome all to join us. We’ll meet next at 4 pm on Sunday, June 6.
Currently, we are meeting on Zoom. Log in at https://uuma.zoom.us/j/9797400824?pwd=WjNTUldoci9VWjNtMFNsNjBsMlZTZz09. The meeting ID is 979 740 0824. The password is zeandale. Learn more from Jonalu Johnstone at revjonalu@uufm.net.
UUFM Sponsors a Blessing Box and a Little Free Library at Wonder Workshop
Doug Walter reports our box is receiving notably increased demand, especially in the past few weeks. To contribute items, contact Doug at kbsi@cox.net. Or, drop by Wonder Workshop, at 506 S 4th Street, and stock the box with your items. You can also contribute financially to fill the box or the little free library at uufm.net/donate.
The Blessing Box is for people to take what they need and leave what they can. The box is stocked with non-perishable food items and life-essential items such as feminine hygiene products, toothpaste and soap.
We’re also sponsoring a Little Free Library at Wonder Workshop in memory of Richard Pitts. To contribute books, contact Doug Walter at kbsi@cox.net. You’re also welcome to stock the library directly. Our Little Free Library focuses on books for children and youth. UUFM’s box is registered with the international organization as box number 107632, and is on the international map of Little Free Libraries. Learn more at littlefreelibrary.org.
“Blessing Boxes for Manhattan/Riley County is an initiative of the Food and Farm Council of Riley Co. BBFM is an outdoor food pantry that serves those in need 24/7. If you need a blessing, donations are available and if you are blessed, leave a blessing.” — from https://www.facebook.com/blessingboxesformanhattan/.
Helping Hands
In June, Helping Hands contributions will be collected for SHEPHERD’S CROSSING, providing budget counseling, referrals, and help with rent, utilities, and prescription medications to area residents in need. Learn more at www.shepherdscrossing.info/.
As we gather Sunday mornings from our homes, with no basket passing by, our Helping Hands recipients still count on this annual contribution from UUFM. You can donate online at uufm.net/donate/.
Social Justice and Anti-Racism Resources
Check out the new list of social justice/anti-racism resources at uufm.net/social-action-2/social-action-resources/. If you would like to suggest resources to add to the list, or have questions, please contact Marisa Larson at marisa.larson@gmail.com.
Contact UUFM Social Action Coordinator Judy Nickelson at judynickelson@gmail.com, to learn about all social justice efforts at the Fellowship.