We continue our low-key religious education classes through August. We talk. We paint. We play. We have fun. That’s what summer is about.
More structured classes begin in September and we’ve begun looking for volunteer teachers. Classroom teachers are given a complete curriculum to follow which makes leading a class very easy. It’s a wonderful opportunity for both you and our students. Please contact me if you have an interest.
A reminder that masks must be worn in the building by anyone 4 and older – regardless of vaccination status.
Are you or someone you know looking for a part-time position? We are looking for one or two people to help staff the nursery. It’s just two hours a week each Sunday. Please contact me for details.
See you soon,
–Sandy Nelson,
Office Hours – Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-4:30 p.m. Call or text me at 785.341.0135 to set up a visit any time.