The first day of school has come and gone. With the new school year, new joys and worries have likely arrived as well. As the Religious Education leader for our UU community, I’d like your input on how to navigate the path ahead for the coming weeks, months, year…
Basically, I’m looking for information on what your family needs and wants in its RE program. Our options are many: in-person RE, online RE, at-home RE packets/projects, non-Sunday gathering, Youth Group, OWL class, parent night out, parent day out… You get the picture.
I’ve heard that it’s impossible to be all things for all people, but I’d sure like to try to be all that is possible.
Please complete the short survey at:
and help create our path together.
Thank you,
Are you or someone you know looking for a part-time position? We are looking for one or two people to help staff the nursery. It’s just two hours a week each Sunday. Please contact me for details.
See you soon,
–Sandy Nelson,
Office Hours – Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-4:30 p.m. Call or text me at 785.341.0135 to set up a visit any time.