A Note From Pastor Isa — Nov 2021

Dear Ones,

I am so happy to be among you finally! Thank you for your warm welcome during my brief visit last month and for your patience during my move here.  As you heard during my reflection on October 31st, it has been a long journey for me to arrive here.  I know you, too, have traveled many miles physically and metaphorically.  A few months ago, your leaders and I came upon each other, as if at a fork of two trails, except over Zoom.  We got to know each other as best we could and decided to travel together.  And now here we all are, moving together down a path none of us has known before, bringing our array of experience, strength, and hope.  Throughout our journey forward I’ll move among you, taking a few steps with each of you to learn your rhythm.  And I’ll invite everyone to pause periodically.

This month is a chance for us to pull over and unpack our bags–show and tell, anyone?  Since I’m new to UUFM, I have a lot to learn about what you carry!  Our November theme for Sunday services is right on schedule: Holding History. What are we carrying around, and why?  If you’re enjoying my metaphor, I encourage each of you to think of one object you have been carrying as part of your journey at UUFM.  Perhaps it’s a tool you bring out on a regular basis to help the fellowship function, or one that you have available for emergencies.  Perhaps it’s something you don’t share with others, but it helps you show up as your best self.  Maybe it’s a gift you’ve been wanting to offer the community but don’t know how. Or a burden you’d like to set down.  How did you come to hold this item? How is it a part of your personal history and the history of the fellowship?  If you’re inspired, feel free to drop me an email with your response to this prompt as a way of helping me get to know you: pastorisauu@gmail.com.

Please stay tuned to our upcoming UUFM Activities emails for announcements about ways you and I can get together in small groups to talk about Holding History or other topics.  In the meantime, if you would like to find a time to talk with me about fellowship business or something on your heart, email is a great way to arrange that.

This month, I’ll be spending a lot of my daylight hours Monday through Wednesday at the Fellowship getting situated in the Minister’s Study and beginning to work with our wonderful staff. I’ll reach out to lay leaders to learn about our ongoing systems.  And I’ll be getting to know the Manhattan region in preparation for the service on November 21.

Moving forward, I’ll offer the Sunday reflection two or three times each month.  Services will continue to be coordinated by your fabulous Conveners, with my encouragement and active participation.  I’ll attend most committee meetings and will be available by email, phone, and text most Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays through Wednesdays.  I keep a low profile Thursdays for my writing day and observe a Sabbath on Fridays.  To bring some rhythm to my three-quarter schedule, I’ll be away for a “furlough week” the fourth week each month.  I’ll respond to non-emergency calls and emails that come in on Thursday and Friday and during my furlough week as soon as possible when I’m back online.  However, please call me even when I’m away if you’re having a family crisis or a sudden illness or injury.  My number for calls and texts is 785 748-2533.

It is truly a joy to be here.  May our journey together be fulfilling, beautiful, and fun!

Yours,     Pastor Isa

Contact Rev Dr Isabel Call at pastorisauu@gmail.com.

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