Note From Pastor Isa – Jan 2022

Dear ones,

Happy New Year! We replace our calendars in winter, just as the days are beginning to lengthen, but the weather is nowhere near warming up. The practice – and the cultural and legal norms dependent on it – arose out of the Roman feast of Janus, the god of doorways and thresholds. Janus is a two-faced God, looking forward and backward at the same time. I ask you to reflect on this threshold moment in your life. Where are you coming from? And what are your expectations about the space you’re entering?

As a congregation, we’re moving from an extended state of emergency into recovery mode. Though we face more losses in this pandemic and expect even weirder weather, we’re getting more practiced at living with uncertainty. We still long for “normalcy,” but we might just be willing to redefine it. In some ways, it was comfortable to believe (or hope) that if we just did our part and tried to be patient, the end of the pandemic would come to us. But it didn’t. And now I, for one, am feeling ready to cross the threshold into a new and unknown space.

We don’t know what the new space will look like, but from my ministers-eye-view, I’m seeing some rough outlines. Our leaders – committee chairs, board, members, wizards behind the curtain – are tired. They’ve spent more than 90% of their UU oomph on keeping the Fellowship going, and they’re disconnected from the inspiration and fun that got them here in the first place. Formerly involved members and friends have been pulled from the Fellowship by the crisis and now don’t see how they can be useful around here. In moving from emergency to recovery mode, I anticipate a shift. We need a big dose of your fresh energy from members and friends in the wings. It doesn’t have to be a lifetime commitment, but consider stepping in as an interim mover-and-shaker. To get connected to your new temporary passion, come to Action Wednesday. If you’re currently highly involved, I encourage you to take a breath. Find people at the Fellowship – including me – and chat about what kind of involvement would be sustainable for you. Hint: it can be less than what you’re doing now. Let us help you take your breather. We may keep asking you to do things, and you’re allowed, encouraged, to say no.

Out beyond recovery mode I see a new equilibrium for us. Like the long days of summer, it’s a ways off. But let’s look forward to it together. We should also follow the example of Janus to look back at where we’ve been. I’m so grateful for the immense contributions of our members, friends, and leaders to pay the bills with ease and keep us connected despite everything else. We couldn’t be here without you.

As usual, please reach out to me, by phone or email or schedule an appointment to share your heart or mind at I’m using a new email address, Please check your spam folder in case you’ve missed things from me.

With love, trust, and gratitude,
Pastor Isa


Contact Rev Dr Isabel Call at

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