January 2022


OUR WHOLE LIVES (OWL) for 7th – 9th Graders

Our Whole Lives (OWL) class for 7th-9th graders begins this month and continues through May. This centerpiece of the OWL series provides a variety of engaging activities so that participants build values, interpersonal skills, and knowledge. The comprehensive approach speaks to participants’ needs today and helps prepare them for a healthy and meaningful tomorrow.

The initial session is a mandatory Parent Orientation on Sunday, January 16 from 12:30 – 3:00 pm (though it may end sooner). Classes start the following week on Sunday, January 23. All sessions are held at the fellowship building and everyone must be masked.

A permission form must be completed for each student and is available on online HERE.


See you soon,

Sandy Nelsondre@uufm.net

Office Hours – Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-4:30 p.m. Call or text me at 785.341.0135 to set up a visit any time.