April 2022



Easter is a time of REbirth, REnewal, REmembering… please join us in adding REturning to the list! Return to the fellowship for an Easter celebration and potluck picnic (outside). UUFM is providing ham and we ask that everyone else bring side dishes (or whatever) as desired. Not ready to share food? That’s okay, you can brown-bag it by bringing your own. Please bring your own table service to make cleanup a breeze.

We’ll serve up an egg hunt in the UUFM tradition.* What will the magic word be? Come join the hunt, find the clues, and celebrate your success with prizes and treats.

It’s not just for kids! Did you experience egg hunts of old when you were a child? The big kids always got all the eggs and you got none? The UUFM egg hunt is the perfect opportunity for adults to REnew their faith in humanity (or just egg hunts). Come join the fun!

*(At UUFM each egg hunter finds a special set of 6 eggs – and only those 6 eggs – each with a different letter attached. Once the eggs are found, all the letters combine to spell a secret word. Once you’ve got the secret word, you can turn in your eggs and choose from many prizes.)


OUR WHOLE LIVES (OWL) for 7th – 9th Graders

Our Whole Lives (OWL) class for 7th-9th graders wraps up at the end of the month. Many thanks for your help clearing the sanctuary quickly so that OWL facilitators – Molly McGaughey, Matt Campbell, could set up the room.

This centerpiece of the OWL series provides a variety of engaging activities so that participants build values, interpersonal skills, and knowledge. The comprehensive approach speaks to participants’ needs today and helps prepare them for a healthy and meaningful tomorrow.


OUR WHOLE LIVES (OWL) for 5th & 6th Graders

We anticipate offering the OWL 5/6 class next winter (January – March 2023). If you’ve got a student in that grade range and are interested in participating, please let me know so that planning can begin.


See you soon,

Sandy Nelsondre@uufm.net

Office Hours – Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-4:30 p.m. Call or text me at 785.341.0135 to set up a visit any time.