In April we explore the challenges and paths of resistance. Each path includes an exploration of a practice of resistance. Each path is connected to and rooted in a religious or secular holiday (not necessarily on the date it is celebrated). The aim is to learn about the holiday through its relationship to Resistance.
We walk the Path of Resistance when…
* We Breathe; Honoring Vesak (Buddha’s Life) – April 2
* We Speak Truth to Power; Honoring Easter – April 9
* We Join Together; Honoring Passover – April 16
* We Change Habits; Honoring Earth Day – April 23
* We Stick With It; Honoring Ramadan – April 30
At UUFM we study World Religions in the third quarter (March-May) because we want the children to become familiar with the various faiths and their holidays. As we explore how these religions and religious holidays inspired particular paths of resistance, we hope to better understand what paths of resistance inspire us the most.
● April Fools Day – April 1
● Star Trek Day – April 5
● National Tell a Story Day – April 27
● National Super Hero Day – April 28
On Easter Sunday we will not resist the urge to have fun. Come join us for an egg hunt in the UUFM tradition.* What will the magic word be? Find the clues, and celebrate your success with prizes and treats.
It’s not just for kids! Everyone can join the fun!
*(At UUFM each egg hunter finds a special set of 6 eggs – and only those 6 eggs – each with a different letter attached. Once the eggs are found, all the letters combine to spell a secret word. Once you’ve got the secret word, you can turn in your eggs and choose from many prizes.)
Did you have a chance to see that beautiful circle art created by our children (and a few adults)? Click on the image for a really good look…
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See you soon,
–Sandy Nelson,
Office Hours – Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-4:30 p.m. Call or text me at 785.341.0135 to set up a visit any time outside those office hours.