Alsop Fellowship Hall Revamp

Members welcome to the Picture Forming Session
Monday 9/11 5:00pm to 6:30
In-person at the Fellowship and on Zoom at this link



The room formerly known as the “Alsop Room” is receiving a loving revamp!

Step 1 is complete: an extensive freshening of the wall colors and improved lighting. The goal was to set the stage for the future, making a space that serves our current community and community partners while opening the way for new vision. By starting to call it the “Alsop Fellowship Hall,” we can affirm our intention to make it valuable to the community. We are blessing and releasing its history as a catch-all storage space.

This project was donated by Cybil Perkins in honor of David Lambert. It was approved by the Executive Team based on a proposal Cybil articulated after conversations with members of the nascent Building and Grounds, Aesthetics, and Social Teams. In general, we do not accept designated gifts unless they are in memory of a member and have gone through careful consideration with Fellowship leaders. We’re grateful for Cybil’s generosity, leadership, and willingness to cooperate as we came up with a good process.

Step 2: Picture Forming session.
Pastor Isabel will facilitate.
Monday 9/11 5:00pm to 6:30
In-person and on Zoom at this link

    1. List and prioritize functions for the space.
    2. Agree on the characteristics we’re seeking in members of a Revamp Task Force. Task Force charge:
      1. Elicit ideas and feedback
      2. Make decisions about what will be done
      3. Make a plan for fundraising
      4. Receive approval from Board (or Board Exec Team)
      5. Coordinate volunteers to carry out fundraising
      6. Coordinate volunteers and craftspeople to carry out revamp
    3. Choose members using a sociocratic selection process.
    4. Share specific ideas about design elements (e.g. floor and chairs) to provide input for the Revamp Task Force’s work.

Step 3: Revamp Task Force meets to make decisions and plans, including fundraising.

Step 4: Board (or Board Exec Team) approves these plans and then… they happen!