A Note from Pastor Isa – March 2024

To transform and to be transformed

What is the difference between a human being and a flower being? Flowers are born, blossom, and fade just like us. Like us, they influence the world around them and live on in the ecosystem even after they die. But we have a different kind of consciousness and agency. Perhaps flowers are aware of their lives, but they don’t have the choices we do. While I wouldn’t rule out that they feel love or other emotions, I can’t imagine a flower feeling regret. It’s a distinctly human experience to know we are alive, choose to act creatively, and then reflect upon those choices. Our lives don’t just happen to us, we play a major role in creating them. We are created through forces outside our consciousness and control, but we are also creators with a substantial sphere of influence.

When I first learned of our theme for the month, transformation, I thought about how we initiate change in our communities and habitats. We are creative agents with inspiration to transform as a transitive verb. I’m a little embarrassed to read the Soul Matters reflection on the theme (here), which counsels me to chill out and let transformation happen. We transform simply by being, not just by doing. Just like flowers.

Since I arrived here two and a half years ago, I have felt both the need and the truth of UUFM’s transformation. We are becoming a new community as we survive the pandemic and the upheavals in our larger culture. When new people ask how they can get involved, I have been saying something like: “Stick around, build relationships, and be a part of the transformation.” The new UUFM Process Guide is my attempt to say something more concrete. I want them to see the inner workings of our regular activities so they can jump in consciously. But writing down what we do is not just descriptive; it is also creative. Where there are gaps, I can’t resist reaching out to members to ask, “What do we want to do here? Who do we want to be? What are we becoming?”

After pouring energy and attention into the Process Guide and the creative conversations behind it, I’m going to leave space for mystery this month. I want to get out of the way of transformation. Perhaps you will balance the active and passive experiences of transformation differently. As you read the UUFM Process Guide, you can both witness the Fellowship’s becoming and allow yourself to be drawn into actively engaging in. If you’re a member, you have a couple more days – through March 3rd – to send in your nominations for open positions. On March 3rd, we’ll be having a gathering for visitors, friends and potential new members: our periodic “Who Are UU” class. Even if you’ve been here a while, you are welcome to attend. Who are UU? Who are We? Who are we becoming? Our life cycle is not so tidy and predictable as a flower’s, but it is just as beautiful.