May Board Update

Hello Beloved UUFM Community,

Our Initiation of Called Ministry and Installation of Reverend Dr. Isabel Call Service is fast approaching. What a joyous and momentous occasion – and one that is inherently unfamiliar and special for our little Fellowship. 

We’ve received questions from a few – that we realize may be questions held by many – regarding protocols and expectations for such an event – specifically around gift giving. This feels like the kind of celebratory occasion that would invite some form of gift giving – but what kind of gift giving? To whom? From whom? The generous spirit in our community wants to know!

If Ordinations are like Graduations, Installations are like Weddings

Some of you may be familiar with the Ordination service that clergy engage in upon completing their education. Ordinations and Installations contain similar elements, and the resource from the UUA that our Installation Task Force had as a reference covered both Ordinations and Installations, but they are also very different in their significance and function. 

Pastor Isa comes to us already ordained by the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus, Ohio, in May 2021. The personalized rite of passage into professional ministry upon entrance into preliminary fellowship with the UUA – a graduation of sorts from the extensive training requested of UU ministers- has already happened. 

Our Initiation of Called Ministry and Installation Service – as the name intentionally implies – is focused more on the relationship we are building together with Pastor Isa as we move forward into Shared Ministry. With this in mind, it may be more akin to a Wedding. 

The kinds of gifts exchanged are symbolic and/or supportive of the relationship being celebrated, rather than focused on individuals.

Gift from the Congregation to the Minister, and vice versa

As a part of the service, there will be a moment for the Congregation and the Minister to exchange gifts. These gifts are highly symbolic in nature, and are already in the works. 


Another piece of the service that provides an opportunity to give is the special Offertory. Contributions will be going to two places: 

  1. UUA’s Living Tradition Fund, which provides three types of support for ministry: need-based scholarships for theological students who are in Aspirant or Candidate Status in the UUA Credentialing Program; new minister assistance to reduce the burden of high educational debt and repayment; and emergency assistance grants to ministers, religious professionals, other congregational staff, retired ministers and their loved ones. It is traditional for UUA affiliated congregations to support this fund with offerings gathered at both Ordination and Installation services.
  2. The Kanza Heritage Society. As a way of taking our Land Acknowledgement practice to the next level, Pastor Isa and other members of our congregation are actively building relationships with members of the Kaw Nation met through the Flint Hills Wisdom Keepers Gathering. This relationship continues to deepen and grow. This offering will demonstrate our communal investment in this relationship moving forward.

The Installation Task Force, which includes Pastor Isabel Call, highly encourages contributions to the Offering during the Installation Service as a form of gift-giving in support of our Shared Ministry. 

Cards for the Minister

Some of us may still want to show our appreciation for Pastor Isa specifically. Cards for the Minister are welcome, and a basket will be provided for us to put them in at the Service.

Hope this helps the generous spirits of our congregation find the outlets they are looking for. 

With Joy and Love,

Emily Fraser

UUFM Board Chair

and member of the Installation Task Force