A Note from Pastor Isa – August 2024

Notes from Pastor Isa

Our minister, Pastor Isabel, is away on study leave for the month of July. In lieu of a newsletter column, she suggested we share this poem from Worship Web, inspired by Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen’s chapter, “Our Work for Social Justice,” in The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide.
To be a Unitarian Universalist means we’ll never be done with the work:
the work of telling the truth about oppression
the work of resisting any laws, policies, or practices that deny anyone their humanity
the work of stubbornly seeking out the spark of the divine each other, no matter what
the work of creating heaven on earth

To be a Unitarian Universalist also means we’re not alone in the work:
we are not alone because of our promises to love one another
we are not alone because we are companions on the journey
we grow ourselves into allies,
helping one another get free —
because none of us is truly free until we are all free.
Pastor Isabel will return on August 5th and will resume regular Tuesday office hours, 1:30-3:30, on August 6th.