February Board Update

The UUFM survived the Great Blizzard of January 5, thanks to Dan Swenson and his crew.  Hopefully such weather is not the new normal, since NASA predicts near-normal weather for February.  Dan urges patience on the rain garden and solar installation initiatives.  Prudence dictates that these projects be held in abeyance pending the emergence of more auspicious conditions for their implementation.  Speaking of enhancements to the building and grounds, Sylvia Beeman and her team of helpers have taken a significant step towards the creation of our own little patch of prairie in the front lawn of UUFM.  The grass has been mowed, the ground surface roughened, and a specially selected blend of native prairie grass seeds scattered, strewn and sown.  Thanks to all who contributed their time and effort!  Things are also happening inside the UUFM building.  The RE team has risen to the occasion while we regroup our efforts to recruit a Director of Religious Education.  We are extremely grateful to all the volunteer RE teachers who have kept our classes going in the interim, and are heartened to see new, younger individuals and families coming into our fold.  In other news, the Board is exploring a new procedure for conducting business in committees and teams—we are in the process of transitioning from “majority vote” to “consensus decision-making”, which allows for more intentional and methodical resolution of objections and differences of opinion.  Our initial experience in experimenting with this new approach has been positive and encouraging.  By the time you read this you probably will already have attended the January 26 Sunday service on what it’s like to participate in the annual meeting (“General Assembly” or “GA”) of the Unitarian Universalist Association.  If you want to join in the fun and fascination of such an experience by volunteering to be a delegate, let me know as soon as possible.  Early application deadlines are fast approaching.  This year the GA (June 18-22) will be held both in person in Baltimore, Maryland and also via live-stream for those who want to participate from afar.
Happy February!
Dick Beeman
Board Chair