Theme-based Ministry

Welcome to theme-based ministry!

Each month we’ll focus on a broad theme that has resonance for Unitarian Universalists in our personal and spiritual lives. You can read about the theme in the newsletter, hear about it during Sunday services, and experience it in religious education. What’s more, we’ll be starting small groups called Chalice Circles to explore the themes at a deeper level.

Why make this change in our programming? The main goal is to deepen our experience together. We’ve been very good at breadth – many different activities for different interests. We have been so good at breadth that depth may have suffered. While choice is good and variety the spice of life, transformation requires focused attention. Our religion is not a hodgepodge of liberal feel-goodism, but a tool to enrich our lives so we become better people, prepared to create real change in our larger world.

How do we come to understand the values and ideals championed by our religious tradition of Unitarian Universalism? How do we live into these values and ideals to become the people we wish to be?

Other UU’s have been exploring these questions and have come up with the Soul Matters program, from which we will be drawing. It doesn’t dictate how we look at the themes or what we do on Sunday mornings, but provides resources to support our explorations. Plus, we’re engaging with these themes along with about 200 other UU congregations, including a few here in Kansas.

Our first theme (September) considers what it means to be a community of covenant. I remind you that our members have developed a covenant, which you can find at [].

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