How do we care about one another?
As a congregation, it’s one of our central concerns. We strive to make UUFM a safe haven for ideas, yes, but for people, too. So we need to take care of one another.
On September 22, fourteen of us gathered to talk about caring in our congregation and how we want to do it. Since we lost our Caring Committee Chair in December, our care has been on an ad hoc basis, improvised. We don’t do badly at that. Our small groups keep us in touch with one another and regularly, members and friends reach out to one another with care and concern when they know that someone needs a boost or when they feel someone has fallen out of touch.
We know, though, that without some organization, we will miss the opportunity to extend kindness and help to people who we care about. As the George Odell reading tells us, we need one another. “All our lives we are in need, and others are in need of us.” Our caring efforts thicken the connections within our community and remind us of the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
So, I encourage everyone to be part of the informal network of support among us. If you think someone could use a card to cheer them or a phone call of support, it’s worth making the effort. Social media makes us feel more con-nected and at the same time, less connected, so the real human touch matters.
We do have some organized efforts going on. We have people who visit members who do not get to services often because of their health or other concerns. We have people who will send cards, provide transportation, organize meals, keep track of medical devices that could be loaned, and we have farmers who will provide flowers if you want to give them to someone from the fellowship. We have one volunteer willing to help organize receptions following memorial services (we could use a second). We have a small group who is going to organize small dinners in people’s homes to help us know one another better. And, we have people committed to attending our monthly potluck the first Wednesday of each month. Though committee meetings are part of that, everyone is welcome to the potluck, and some people come simply to make social connections.
That’s only some of the needs and responses we talked about. If you know of needs in the congregation–or have them yourself–or if you’d like to help in any way, please let me know. And don’t forget to ask for help yourself if you need it! You will be allowing others to serve, which is, in itself, a great gift.
Help us be the safe haven that we long to be. Jonalu