21 Mar 2021
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

The UUFM Racial Justice Team has committed itself to studying the UUA Commission on Institutional Change’s final report, Widening the Circle of Concern.  This means meeting more often than we usually do.  Since we have endorsed Black Lives Matter, this seems a good next step to understanding the changes we may have to make in order to become more antiracist and multicultural.  We welcome anyone in the congregation to join us.

Join us on Sunday, March 21, at 4 pm, for Session 8:  Innovations and Risk-Taking.

Currently, we are meeting on Zoom.  Log in at https://uuma.zoom.us/j/9797400824?pwd=WjNTUldoci9VWjNtMFNsNjBsMlZTZz09.  The meeting ID is 979 740 0824.  The password is zeandale.  Learn more from Jonalu Johnstone at revjonalu@uufm.net.