Where Do We Come From? (video available)

Pastor Isabel Call shares the reflection, “Our theme this month is history.  Though we are eager to roll up our sleeves and make history, we will be more effective collaborators if we know our own stories.  Let’s consider how we can heed James Baldwin’s counsel to ‘Go back to where you started, or as far back as you can, examine all of it, travel your road again and tell the truth about it.  Sing or shout or testify or keep it to yourself,’ Baldwin says, ‘but know whence you came.'”  Our convener is Sarah Desmet at sarah.e.desmet@gmail.com.

The Fellowship building is now open, and you may choose to attend services in person.  For those joining us at the Fellowship, masks are required for everyone older than 4, regardless of vaccination status. 

We also continue to offer a virtual option, for those who prefer to join us remotely, at our usual Sunday morning service URL, https://zoom.us/j/92604313401?pwd=OXlyeW1RQ0I4U1cxQ1FpU0x2TlZqdz09, at 10:30 am.  The meeting ID is 926 0431 3401 and the password is zeandale.