What will our descendants of the unknown future be like? Of course, we may not have any–that is always one possibility. But Rev Dr Sarah Voss says she prefers to think the total disappearance of the human species is unlikely. We will change, however. We will likely be more genetically engineered and more AI hybrid, but we will still belong together. Just how we will be connected, however, depends on the legacy we leave for them. In this thought-inspiring sermon, Sarah begins with our personal legacies, then moves to our church legacies, and finally explores our human legacy–and our responsibility to provide for it by our actions now.
We continue to offer a virtual option, for those who prefer to join us remotely, at our usual Sunday morning service URL, https://zoom.us/j/92604313401?pwd=OXlyeW1RQ0I4U1cxQ1FpU0x2TlZqdz09, at 10:45 am. The meeting ID is 926 0431 3401 and the password is zeandale.