Is Generosity Possible with Capitalism? (video available)

In an extractive economy, more and more of the earth’s resources are considered “owned” by a small number of people who gain more wealth by renting them back to us. Even most homeowners rent money to buy their homes, and end up paying as much in interest than they accumulate in equity (give or take). If we buy into this mindset, generosity is either a huge sacrifice of our rapidly shrinking share of the pie, or magnanimous virtue-signaling funded through theft and cunning. But there’s another way to think about it: the earth belongs to no one. We are just stewards. Each of us, “rich” or “poor,” have an equally important role to play in caring for our global community. As we begin to prepare gifts for the holidays, how might we remember our unique calling to generosity?

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Members are invited to view the unedited version of the service by emailing Hannah Morgan Phelps (