Apr 29: Gardening and Friendship

We extended our gardening adventures on Sunday by talking about our new RE garden and eating locally during the Children’s Conversation and then having a plant sale for the fellowship. During our lesson time, the K-2nd and 3rd-8th graders talked about gardening and prepared for the sale. The preschoolers talked about friendship. And, the infants and toddlers talked about eating fresh vegetables.

In the combined K-8th grade classroom, we began with joys and concerns. Then we discussed the benefits of eating locally, how we will tend our garden this summer, if we could live off the land completely in Kansas (we would REALLY miss chocolate), and how communities can work together to eat locally. The kids had great ideas about cooperation and farmers’ markets. Then we went into the Inez Alsop room to prepare for the sale. All of the kids took stations: greeters, box holders, plant experts, and cashiers. It was awesome to see the kids working together and taking pride in their work. And it totally paid off – we sold out!!

In the pre-K classroom, they had a great time talking about making friends and being a friend. We have some very kind and caring preschoolers! They all put a lot of thought into decorating a special place for their “new friend” (stuffed animal) to rest while at the fellowship. So sweet!

In the nursery, the infants and toddlers read the book, Up, Down, All Around, about growing a garden and then eating the bounty. Some plants grow up, some grow down, some grow all around, and all of them are yummy! Then they read Curious George and the Kite and played with toys.

If you would like to extend these lessons at home, here are some suggestions: for K-8th graders, start your own garden at home either in the ground or in pots. Growing a garden instills a sense of responsibility and brings about such pride when you see the fruits (or vegetables) of your labor! For preschoolers, remind your children how to be good friends before play dates or trips to the park. Sharing, including, and taking turns can be tough, but are essential to a good friendship! For infants and toddlers, make vegetable eating fun. Cut them out in shapes, give them a fun dipping sauce, or hide them in more desirable foods – any way you slice it, vegetable eating is good and good for you!

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