Wow. It really IS winter! Don’t let the cold scare you away. Our students have plenty of warmth in their hearts to keep you cozy.
We finished up lessons on the principle – “Search for what is true” this Sunday.
The 6th-8th grade class used a list of 16 values for reference Sunday, we discussed famous people and talked about which values they represented most for us. Then we looked at books of quotes and picked ones we liked, ones that confused us, and ones we didn’t like. We also related these back to values. This was as good way to wrap up our final week on principle 4, the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Since we do not rely on a single book as a resource, young UUs need to know their options for seeking wisdom!
The 3rd-5th grade class read “Seven Blind Mice” and had a discussion about how the story illustrated that jumping to conclusions without much information can prevent you from finding out the whole truth. An art project and a snack rounded out the morning.
The K-2nd grade class welcomed Larry as their teacher for Kim was sick (get better Kim!) Lot’s of truth talk and some wonderful stories got the kids excited to learn more.
The Pre-K class worked at improving self-confidence by playing several “I can remember” games. It’s amazing what great minds they all have!
The Nursery kids kept busy with games and books and lots and lots of smiles.