Quiet Times

Sunday RE classes were a little quiet.

Kim was out with the stomach flu so please send good thoughts her way.  Several children were gone as well so I hope the flu is on the way out of those households, too.

Those in classes continued exploration of principle 5 (All people have a say – or – the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process)

The 6-8 class  viewed protest signs and talked about what might motivate us to publicly declare our views.

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The 3-5 grade students put the democratic process into action and when asked if they would like to go up the hill – all voted ‘yes’.  So up the hill they went.  Says Larry, “I told them about water tables, they showed me forts in the forest, we walked back down and I asked them if they liked walking in the woods. ‘Yes!’ And did they feel good doing that? ‘Yes!’ Well, things that make you feel good about yourself are things that give meaning to your life. An echo of ‘free and responsible search for truth and meaning’ theme.

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The K-2 class joined with the pre-K students and used their imaginations to pretend they were different animals. Creating a supportive atmosphere in which children can pretend helps them feel that they are creative, imaginative, and fun to be with. And ALL of our kids are VERY fun to be with!

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The Nursery  had one sleeping baby last Sunday so Christy used the time to clean the play kitchen, other bigger toys, the chairs AND sanitize the play dishes that all the babies love to stick in their mouth. – Wow! Thanks Christy!

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