Love is our source and our destination–our call and our response.

“Love is our source and our destination–our call and our response.”

— Rev. Dr. Rebecca Ann Parker

“In Unitarian Universalism, we have a legacy of ‘deeds not creeds.’ Our work for a better world calls us to unexpected places as we harness love’s power to stop oppression. From grassroots community organizing to interfaith Washington advocacy, in protest marches, prayer vigils, and press conferences, in homeless shelters and in prisons, Unitarian Universalists put their faith in to action. We work in interfaith coalitions and partnerships locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally to affirm and promote ‘the inherent worth and dignity of every person,’ ‘justice, equity, and compassion’ and ‘the interconnected web of all existence.’

“Our commitment to justice also led to the creation of a powerful public advocacy campaign to oppose oppression in its many forms and counter fear with love. The Standing on the Side of Love campaign grew out of the Unitarian Universalist community’s response to a shooting at a UU congregation in Knoxville, Tennessee. Since then, we have stood on the side of love with immigrants, same-sex couples, transgender people, American Muslims, people of color, and other members of our faith and our wider communities who face oppression–all working together for more justice and more love.”

— from

We certainly felt the power of our progressive faith community as Charles and I moved forward with our decision to marry. While there are practical reasons that motivated us to marry, it is love that brings meaning and true purpose to the reality of being married. Making a public vow to love someone, especially someone you have loved for forty years, dissolves defenses and cynicism. Hearing the person you love vow to love you brings tenderness and vulnerability to long established habits. Marriage is more than I thought.

Let us be a community that not only stands on the side of love, but helps bring its warmth into every cold corner of the world. This is a gift worth giving and having.

Much peace and much love,


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