Author: Doug Walter

Audio Archive, Nov. 25, 2012 – Thankfulness

 As the Thanksgiving season makes us pause to consider the Earth’s bounties, we pause as well to consider the strength of the Plymouth colonists in giving thanks after surviving a year of grief and trial.  Adding to the Plymouth survivors’ story are other stories of … read more.

Audio Archive, Nov. 4, 2012 – Transcendence

What does “transcendence” mean, and what place does it have in Unitarian Universalism? UU has a heritage of both rationalism and early American mysticism. Should we be open to, and even seek out, experiences that “transcend” everyday life and help us see things differently? If … read more.

Audio Archive, Oct. 14, 2012 – Managing Memories

Fellowship member Brice Hobrock discusses the importance of listening to voices of the past, and describes how those voices shape us. We gain a sense of spirituality from discovery and visualization of our origins. Retrieving memories and placing value on stories from personal history … read more.