Author: Rev. Jonalu Johnstone

Campaign Commentary

I hesitate to join the moaning and groaning over the Presidential campaign. However, the trends concern me deeply. Like Pope Francis, I won’t name names as I critique the tone and content of some of the Presidential candidates’ statements and the news coverage.

I wonder what … read more.

Commitment to Change

When UUFM chose to recruit a Developmental Minister rather than go through a regular search process for a minister, the Fellowship committed to change. The particular goals you deve- loped were to become more involved in the community, to accept ministerial leadership, and to grow in … read more.

Who Does Our Congregation Serve?

In our service on January 10, I invited people to consider both who they as individuals serve and also, who we as a congregation serve and who we might serve.

The members make up the congregation, and to some extent, the members are who are served. But … read more.


When the song of the angels is stilled,

When the star in the sky is gone,

When the kings and princes are home,

When the shepherds are back with their flock, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, the heal the broken, the free the prisoners, … read more.

Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

As you probably know, a group of religious leaders in Manhattan has gone on record with the City Commission supporting an ordinance to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people from discrimination in employment and public accommodations. Here is what the letter read at the December … read more.

Peace on Earth?

Peace on Earth. Goodwill to all.

That’s what the story says the angel proclaimed. This season, peace on earth grows ever more elusive. When I originally wrote this column for the newsletter, the Paris attacks and Beirut bombing had not yet faded from our awareness. The … read more.

Letter from Rev. David Carter

November, 2015
Dear Members and Friends of UUFM,

Warm regards and best wishes to all.
Over the last few weeks, having corresponded productively with several UUFM congregants to discuss their concerns regarding my references to autism in my sermon of Oct 25th, I now believe that … read more.

Religious Language Update

I promised during the sermon on religious language a few weeks ago to investigate the word “sermon.” I didn’t like what I found. Indeed, the negative connotations of the word have been built into the current dictionary definitions. Words like “reproof,” “exhortation,” and even “tedious” … read more.

What Should We Do?

Several times lately as I have sat at Radina’s or The Chef, nursing a cup of decaf, I have noticed that people near me were talking about religion. I was not trying to eavesdrop, and didn’t catch the details of the conversation, but I did … read more.

Getting to Know You

A major thrust of my efforts in the last few weeks has been to try to get to know you as a congregation and as individuals and to try to get to know Manhattan. As I’ve said before, the notebook full of summaries about members, … read more.