Author: s.nelson

Trunk or Treat

Before Trunk or Treat, we had fun making marshmallow skeletons. Thanks to all for helping make Trunk or Treat a huge success.





October 2018

We have officially begun our school year programming. We started in early September with a “Safety Day” where students learned what to do in case of fire, tornado, etc. (It was fun to discharge an old fire extinguisher in the parking lot.)

Now we’re on to … read more.

September 2018

What a huge, fun summer we had. We “traveled” to Washington DC, Peru, Tanzania, Haiti, Italy, and Cuba. We took tours of fly fishing, waffle irons, the Brothers Grimm, water and had a pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago. And we went on two … read more.

August 2018

We head south of the border in August with trips to Haiti and Cuba. Come join the fun!

Teen Lunch starts up again August 19. All teens (7th grade and up) are invited to gather for lunch (usually pizza) after … read more.


Many thanks to Rob and Sam for teaching us about fly fishing.

First we learned to cast

…and we didn’t get tangled!

Next (the following Saturday) we went to Rocky Ford. (Marisa, Jake, and Rob pictured in the distance.)

Kim, Alaina, Holden, Griffin, William, Kathleen.

… read more.


We had a waffle iron test kitchen on Sunday, June 17. Each test started with the students making a hypothesis that, to Sandy’s surprise, turned out to be remarkably accurate. Brownie batter was the favorite. Cookie dough failed miserably. Cake mix worked well, but we … read more.

Canoe Trip

Last Sunday our annual canoe trip to Pillsbury Crossing was a huge success (thank you Larry Weaver, Dan Swenson, and Doug Walter!).

Click on pictures to enlarge.



Tie Dye!


click on the photo to view full size



Enemy Pie

What’s in Enemy Pie? Here are our thoughts…

Kindness, respect, loyalty, sense of humor, sharing, love, empathy, trust, integrity, honesty, laughter, quiet time, baking skills, blueberries, crust, good listening, giving, thankfulness, strawberries, friendship, forgiveness, generosity, shared interests, sanity, fairness, apples, responsibility, cherries, caring, and chocolate.

… read more.