Author: s.nelson

Fall/Winter 2015-16

As autumn ends our UU children have been reflecting on discussions about our Jewish and Christian heritage in their classes. Winter brings a short break from regular classes as we celebrate the holidays.

7th-10th grade class  – Students are enjoying the Neighboring Faiths curriculum. Field trips … read more.


Our Pre-K and K-2 classes made some adorable turkeys for table decorations. Be sure to add something you’re thankful for to an empty feather.

We can move!

Here are some of our Pre-K students enjoying pudding that they made themselves simply by moving and shaking their own bodies.


On Sunday Jessica Long took everyone on a trip to Ecuador (where she counted hummingbirds while in college). We learned there are many many species of hummingbirds. When she was there, her job was to catch birds in a huge net and tag and then … read more.

Let’s Go Fly a Kite

On Sunday Dan Swenson brought kite kits and everyone got to assemble their own kite, decorate it however they wanted, and then fly it in the yard! What a wonderful day. Thanks to Dan (and Kathy) Swenson for funding this awesome idea and showing us … read more.


On Sunday Elke Lorenz took us on a fun trip to Germany.  A colorful map encouraged lots of questions about religion, school, food, fun, castles, population, languages, manufacturing, cars, soccer, and more.  We shared many similarities, but there were also many differences.

Talking about the … read more.

We are different. We are the same.

On Sunday Susan Adamchak took us on a fabulous trip to Africa.  Using dolls, baskets, and musical instruments, the group explored ways in which the people of the world are different and yet the same, sharing universal values of respect, dignity, the centrality of family, … read more.