Author: s.nelson

Thumb pianos

Many thanks to Dan and Kathy Swenson for providing super cool thumb piano kits (that they made) for the K-2 class.

Everyone had a great time putting them together with hammer, nails, and glue…

Dan assists Ryan and Holden.

Kathy steadies as Maia hammers.

Arthur assembles.

… read more.


Day and night

in action.



Fall/Winter 2015-16

As autumn ends our UU children have been reflecting on discussions about our Jewish and Christian heritage in their classes. Winter brings a short break from regular classes as we celebrate the holidays.

7th-10th grade class  – Students are enjoying the Neighboring Faiths curriculum. Field trips … read more.


Our Pre-K and K-2 classes made some adorable turkeys for table decorations. Be sure to add something you’re thankful for to an empty feather.

We can move!

Here are some of our Pre-K students enjoying pudding that they made themselves simply by moving and shaking their own bodies.


On Sunday Jessica Long took everyone on a trip to Ecuador (where she counted hummingbirds while in college). We learned there are many many species of hummingbirds. When she was there, her job was to catch birds in a huge net and tag and then … read more.